Grand Pavois La Rochelle, an eco-responsible event

For several years now, the Grand Pavois La Rochelle has been actively engaged in an eco-responsible approach to reduce its environmental impact and promote more sustainable boating.
As a leading boat show, we are committed to raising the awareness of our visitors, exhibitors and partners to good ecological practices.

Find out more about our commitments and the concrete actions we’ve taken to preserve the environment and promote an ecological transition in the maritime sector.

Our commitment to sustainable boating

The Grand Pavois La Rochelle has adopted an ambitious environmental strategy in line with current sustainable development issues.

Our objectives

  • Reduce the show’s ecological footprint
  • Encourage responsible practices among exhibitors and visitors
  • Support innovation in eco-responsible boating

This approach is in line with our desire to preserve the marine ecosystem and make the marine sector more respectful of the planet.

The importance of ecological transition in the boating industry

Boating faces major environmental challenges, including water pollution, CO₂ emissions and the use of non-recyclable materials. The sector’s ecological transition is essential to preserve marine ecosystems and guarantee sustainable development. Technological innovations, alternative energies, eco-design of boats and good practices by yachtsmen are all levers for reducing the environmental footprint of boating. By committing to this approach, the marine industry can become a key player in the protection of oceans and biodiversity.

Actions taken to reduce our impact

The Grand Pavois La Rochelle international afloat boat show, anchored in La Rochelle, is committed to an eco-responsible approach to preserving the environment, its biodiversity and the protection of the oceans, through a wide range of actions.

Zones de tri - Grand Pavois La Rochelle

Waste management and recycling

We have set up a waste management plan to ensure efficient sorting and encourage recycling:

  • Selective sorting bins are installed throughout the site.
  • Sorting zones are set up for exhibitors and technical teams during set-up and dismantling.
  • Plastic bottles are banned from common areas, and the use of reusable water bottles is encouraged.
  • On-site water fountains.
  • Recycling of pontoon pile covers and pontoon access chutes by several local associations if they cannot be reused in future editions.
  • Rental of tents and collapsible structures, shared and reused for many other events.
réduction de l'empreinte carbone - grand Pavois La Rochelle

Mobility and carbon footprint reduction

We encourage alternative solutions to limit CO₂ emissions:

  • Deployment of bicycle parking facilities, visitor and exhibitor parking lots with bus links (electric, hybrid or CNG or bioGNV) using dedicated traffic lanes.
  • Experimentation with alternative energy solutions to power certain facilities.
  • Elimination of the majority of large halls to avoid having to install ventilation and heating systems, etc. Preference given to small, independent and autonomous outdoor structures.
  • Collaboration with a majority of local service providers, thus limiting carbon impact and promoting the local economy.
Engagement - Grand Pavois La Rochelle

Awareness and commitment

We are committed to raising awareness among show participants and visitors of the best practices and solutions in place:

  • Setting up a thematic area dedicated to Sustainable Innovations, in partnership with EDF on land and afloat, showcasing new solutions aimed at decarbonizing the maritime sector (electric, hybrid and hydrogen-powered boats, biosourced resins and plant fibers…).
  • Raising awareness among restaurant partners of the need to reduce food waste, ban the use of plastic crockery and give preference to short, local circuits…
  • Introduction of eco-responsible charters to raise awareness of best practices.
réduction de l'empreinte carbone - grand Pavois La Rochelle

A more responsible approach to communication

We are adopting an eco-responsible approach to limit the environmental impact of our communications, and are turning to more responsible media:

  • Collaboration with a local Imprim’Vert* partner for the design of the official catalog and communication materials.
  • Reduction of in-house printing.
  • Signage and communication materials designed as far as possible using eco-responsible materials that can be reused for future editions.
  • Systematic recycling of all paper used at the show and optimization of the process.

*The aim of the Imprim’Vert label is to reduce the environmental impact of the company’s activities.

See also

Practical informations
